Chometz Found Over Pesach
The Gemorah in Psachim 111b tells us that one who hangs his bread up in the air – it is considered kasheh l’anius, it causes one to become poor. How then does the Shulchan Aruch (OC 436:1) write that if one finds chometz over Pesach, one covers it with a pot or vessel or one should hang it up in the air? The answer is that the Shulchan Aruch is referring to general Chometz but not bread.
There is an apparent contradiction between Rav Yoseph Teumim’s writings in his general introduction, where he writes that a Cheresh, Shoteh or Kotton’s chometz that was around over Pesach is still forbidden because of a Lo Plug – we do not make a distincition. And yet in Siman 434 in the Aishel Avrohom, the Pri Magadim writes that the Chometz of an orphaned kotton – would not be forbidden. This is not a contradiction because the Pri Magadim was lenient for an orphan.
Shaarei Tzion p. 29