What to Learn for Yenem Machala
A member of a group of Bnei Torah in a Kollel where the yungeleit were Bnei Torah was diagnosed r”l with cancer. The rest of the group wanted to know what they could do for their friend. They approached Rav Chaim zatzal.
He inquired of them where the cancer had struck him. They responded that it was a form of brain cancer, r”l.
The Midrash entitled, “Osios d’Rebbe Akiva (letter fay)” writes, “Each and every limb that You created within man, You did not create for a useless task. You created the head for the Honor of Hashem’s Name – for Tefillin.”
Rav Chaim zatzal responded to members of the Kollel, “If so, we know that the head was created for Hashem’s honor, for Tefillin – each member of the Kollel should take it upon himself to study hilchos Tefillin, and b’Ezras Hashem he will have a refuah shleima.