Rav Chaim zatzal – Ain Od Milvado
It was Wednesday, March 20th, 2013. President Barak Obama had arrived in Lod Airport and a pomp arrival ceremony had taken place. The visit was the talk of Israel.
At the tarmac, right after the US president descended from Air Force One, the president stood absolutely still with the State of Israel’s government leaders surrounding him. The band then played the Star Spangled Banner, followed by the Hatikva, and then Machar. It was then followed by Naomi Shemer’s Jerusalem of Gold. In the audience was Naftali Bennet and then Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel, R, Yona Metzger. The president of Israel, Shimon Peres stood to Obama’s right, along with Peres’ wife. To his left, stood Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.
Because of the presidential visit, streets were blocked, traffic was at a standstill. Many complained. Yet, people throughout Israel were enamored by the presidential visit.
The family members of Rav Chaim zatzal were curious as to what Rav Chaim’s impression was of the presidential visit. They briefly described the events the events to him.
That Shabbos was Shabbos HaGadol. Pesach was the following Monday night. Rav Chaim asked, “Why did he come? Did he come to purchase the Chometz?”
Although humorous, the concept Rav Chaim zatzal was trying to convey was that this is an olam hasheker and that only Torah matters. Ain Od Milvado.