Passing Inappropriately Dressed People

Trips When there are Inappropriately Dressed People.

Even HaEzer

What are the parameters of “alternative routes” regarding inappropriately dressed people?

There is a Tosfos in in Avodah Zarah 48b that discusses the parameters of what is considered dracha acharina – an alternative path in which one would not be confronted with someone inappropriately dressed.  The Baalei Tosfos explain that the term “dracha acharina refers to a pathway as short as the one that he is currently taking.  If it was referring to a longer path – then there would be no end to the matter.  Rather, in such circumstances, if it is possible to avoid seeing by shutting one’s eyes it would be permitted as long as the alternative path is longer [RYH:  It would seem that there would be three caveats here 1] If the path is only somewhat longer, but not significantly so – it would not be permitted 2] If it is impossible to avoid even with shutting eyes, it would not be permitted and 3] If the breach in inappropriate dress is very significant – it would likewise be forbidden]

(ruling of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l cited in Darchei Noam p. 412)