Maran Rav Chaim zt”l on The Bracha on Trees in Nissan
Ideally, the bracha on trees should be recited in Nissan. He should shy away from seeing fruit trees during Adar. TWO TREES The minhag is to try to be makpid...
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Rav Chaim zatzal on Motivating Students
A Rosh Yeshiva of a Yeshiva for weaker students posed a question: "My Yeshiva is going through a rough patch currently. What is the best manner in which to strengthen...

Broken Engagements
Reb Naftali Weinberg in his Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Shidduchim had posed a queestion to Maran Sar HaTorah about whether one may ask a Shadchan to return the shadchanus if...

Rav Chaim on Barbers and Nail Salons
Someone once posed the following question to Rav Chaim zatzal regarding barbers. It is the custom when one enters a barber shop to wait in line based upon when you...