Q&A on Birkas Cohanim

Watch: Q&A on Birkas Cohanim with Maran Shlita!

Chag Shavuos

Erev Chag Shavuos: Watch moments of Maran Shlita learning the Holy Torah!


קדושי מירון

A week has passed since the whole world and the Jewish world in particular was shaken, and we are all...

גורל להשם

This week, in the attached video, you can watch and listen to the opinion of Maran Shlita regarding the purchase...
Birkas Hediet

Watch: ברכת הדיוט – Wonderful story told by Maran Shlita

Maran Shlita speaks about the index to the Sefer of the Chazon Ish

Watch: Maran Shlita speaks about the index to the Sefer of the Chazon Ish

Erev Pesach by Maran Shlita 21

Watch: Erev Pesach by Maran Shlita

A Bracha from Maran Shlita to those who donated to Orchot Yosher's קמחא דפסחא

A Bracha from Maran Shlita to those who donated to Orchot Yosher’s קמחא דפסחא

הטבת חלום

How does a כהן do הטבת חלום?

ידא אפותא דרגא לשינתא

From the Daf Yomi: “ידא אפותא דרגא לשינתא” Maran Shlita is accustomed to advising the words of the Gemara to those suffering from insomnia.

Where is Maran Shlita mentioned in the Sefer Chazon Ish

Watch: Where is Maran Shlita mentioned in the Sefer Chazon Ish?

Part C

Watch: Maran Shlita speaks about publishing his Seforim. Part C